Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Just Looking ...

...The Double Consciousness of terror
The double consciousness of terror and Islam made itself apparent through a conversation I had with a co-worker. A friend of mine was born in an " Islamic Country" , but has been a Canadian citizen for the last fourteen years. He is not devoutly religious although he does strongly value the foundations of his faith - anyhow, my co-worker and friend have met many times and have known one another for the last year or so. My co-worker has lived in Toronto for most of his life and has friends from all sorts of backgrounds. He realizes and I believe knows inside that just because you are Muslim or from the "middle east" does not make you a terroist or involved in dangerous activities. However my friend was away at a meditative retreat the same time as the arrest of the alleged Canadian terroists,promting my coworker to ask me, "If I was sure he(my friend) was not up to something and if he was really meditating". He asked although masked in a joky voice, if I was sure he(friend) was not involved in some secret activities, meaning terroist activities. My point is that my coworker realizes my friend is just an ordinary guy, yet another level he sees him as a terrroist, conjured up by images from the media. I feel this is happening more and more. The media reports from a point that terroists represent only extreme Islamic fundamentalists, yet with the Canadian arrests they made sure to identify, although most were Canadian citizens, their Islamic roots.

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