Friday, June 16, 2006


Theatre of Suffering

I was thinking about the wrestling lecture and the theatre of suffering when I realised that people are truly sadistic. Let’s take the TV series Jackass that aired on MTV from April 2000 to February 2002 for example. For those who don’t know it, it was a series that showed men doing various dangerous and ridiculous stunts. It had a full-length movie called Jackass: The Movie. According to, the movie was filmed on a budget of just $5 million, and went on to gross over $60 million in the United States alone, finishing in the number 1 spot at the box office during its debut weekend. It just goes to show that people find a lot of enjoyment in a show that features people swallowing and regurgitating live gold fish and being flipped upside down in a public portable toilet. It’s sick, but, you can’t believe there are people out there that will do this stuff so you just keep watching.

I came across this video the other day that also shows our love of watching people suffer. The link is below. The girl in the video said she would eat a live preying mantis if these guys promised her that they would go to church for four Sundays. Now I started thinking to myself, okay, maybe they REALLY don’t like going church but is it necessary to put this girl through that kind of torture? They would get no other enjoyment out of watching that grotesque act other than watching her suffer and satisfying their curiosity of whether or not she would really eat it. Looking at her disgusted expression, I truly believed she really, really, wanted those boys to attend church. People do some strange things in this world, but it is entertaining, lol.

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