Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Musical technology - interesting article

Today in class Professor Kalmar talked about some technologies that have changed the way we live, including different musical technologies. If anyone is interested, there is a very good article by Reebee Garofalo regarding the evolution of the music industry. Here is the full citation:

Reebee Garofalo, "From Music Publishing to MP3: Music and Industry in the Twentieth Century." American Music 17/3 (Autumn 1999), pp. 318-354.

It talks about how technology has changed the music we listen to (for example, prior to the printing press, music was limited to church/religious music (ritual); but with the printing press, music became more secularized. The invention of the gramophone led to the ability to mass produce records (initially, they were made out of shellac, which was very fragile), and led to people having more choice in the music they listened to. Professor Kalmar talked about the influence of television, but what is also interesting is the impact that television had on radio. Prior to TV, radio stations were mainly network radio (CBS, NBC), but when TV overtook radio, that was the end of network radio, and paved the way for independent radio stations who chose the music that they wanted to play. Of course, today with the Internet, people have even more control over the music that they choose to listen to, and in some cases, have more direct access to artists.

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