Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today Prof. Kalmar spoke about incorporation, and the ways in which the 'power block' immediately incorporate any methods of resistance that it perceives. That comment immediately brought to my mind those 'Che Guevara' T-shirts that can be seen everywhere recently. This is a perfect example of incorporation in that Guevara, one of the most tangible symbols of non-capitalist thinking, has been incorporated into the Capitalist system to such a degree that everyone has seen his image at least once. I wonder, however, if we questioned these people wearing these shirts - how many of them would know of Guevara's extensive contribution to Cuba's revolution? Or, has the author of 'Socialism and Man in Cuba' become merely a symbol of trendy fashion?
Maybe these fashion-conscious consumers should instead be wearing a shirt I saw while walking downtown the other day: it had the usual image of Guevara printed in white on a black background. However, below the print was written - 'I do not know who this man is.'
Thoughts, anyone?