Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Offensive Images - Hostel II

I just came back from watching Hostel II. Never in all of my life have I left a movie until it was over, but for some reason, Quentin Tarantino did a good job of disgusting me. If you plan on watching the movie, you might not want to read this. There was one scene where a girl was hung upside down, naked in a candle-lit room with a bath underneath her. An older, obviously rich woman, walks in, removes her cloak to reveal her naked body dressed with a necklace and expensive shoes. She proceeds to the bath and lays down and begins to scratch the body of the naked girl hanging above her with a weapon (name I cannot recall at the moment). She gets more and more violent to the point where blood begins to squirt at her and eventually, there is enough blood for her to bathe her body in. Another part of the scene that disturbs me is when the murderer removes the mouth guard away from the girls mouth so that she could hear her scream.
I'm not sure why this scene bothered me as much as it did. I'm used to horror films but this scene did something that nothing else has ever done. At first, I thought that it bothered me so much because there are individuals that have gone through such mutilation, but in horror films, they usually comprise of mutilation in some form, but never to the point to cause me to walk out. Then I thought that maybe it had to do with the fact that I was disgusted by how individuals could come up with such a scene, expecting people to enjoy it to some degree. But again, that is the case with any horror film...or maybe it was the fact that in most horror films, there is usually a purpose for the murderer to be doing what they are doing, but in this film, this girl was merely used as a guinea pig to satisfy the desire of a rich woman. What is ironic is that it is rich people out to kill rich kids...I'm not sure...any ideas?
Before your ideas, I also thought about the possibility that the fact that the girl was hung naked was what caused me to reach threshold and walk out, but I cannot say that would be true because in Saw III, there was a scene that consisted of a naked woman that was hung and being frozen to what was it that caused me to leave?