Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ukrainian weddings and Hollywood
I wanted to write a short comment on today's lecture. I had several flashbacks while watching that Bollywood-inspired wedding video. Since last summer 5 of my friends from University got married. I was present on the first wedding before leaving Ukraine and got videos and pictures from the rest. They all are solid proof of what prof. Kalmar said in class about transferability of cinematic representation into the real life with the only difference that in my videos influence was coming from the Western cinema. Same cheap techniques to turn wedding video into full-fledged movie (disgusting background colours, computer visual effects), close-ups of the happy couple (especially of the bride) and parents, sentimental music acommpaniment, views of drinking and dancing guests, title, credits, etc. In addition to that I've seen attempts to show sort of short story of the couple before the wedding (usually in the form of slideshow of pictures of the couple taken as their relationship developed). Unfortunately, I did not keep that trash on my HD, but similarity of those videos with traditional Hollywood romantic movies was undeniable. Q.E.D.