Wednesday, June 13, 2007



I just wanted to make a comment about today's lecture. When the wrestler that was canned from the WWE they made it appear that people were complaining about his character or his personal opinion or something like that. We came to the conclusion that it was also probably staged, but I think that there are a few people out there in the 'wrestling world' that take this 'sport' personal and seriously, so it would not surprise me if people really did actually commented on this. Wrestling, for me personal, is like a male (possibly female) version of a soap-opera. Those that follow it religiously actually gets pretty caught in it. They believe that these 'actors' are really, and I bet that if they saw in a wrestler in public not in charater that they didn't really like or one that was considered 'the bad guy' they probably would make a smart ass comment to them. Not realizing that the charater and the actual human are two different idenities. Does any one agree????

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