Thursday, January 17, 2008


Racial Case Study: Tiger Woods

Two weeks ago while sitting in class listening to the lecture on celebrity images and race I was reminded of the whole "what-race-is-Tiger-Woods" deal and its significance in the media about what kind of "race" he identifies with (which, by the way is "Caublinasian" - see this article: Two particular comedy skits come to mind when I heard his name:

The first skit I thought of was a skit on the comedy sketch show Chappelle's Show with comedian Dave Chappelle. The skit was called "Racial Draft 2004" where the so-called 'ambiguous' race of a number of celebrities, athletes, and politicians were determined either through voting and negotiations. In this skit, Tiger Woods was deemed to be "African American." Here's a clip:;title;13

The rest of the clip describes how the Caucasians obtained both Colin Powell and Condolezza Rice and, in a hilarious twist, the Asians decide to claim the Wu Tang Clan as their own (picture a bunch of middle-aged and old Asians throwing their hands up in the air and chanting "Wu Tang").

The second skit that cam to mind was a skit from another comedy sketch show, MADtv. In this particular skit, the parody of Tiger Woods continues with a commercial for his new restaraunt, which caters to those of his racial make up: primarily African Americans, Caucasians, and Asians, along with the repeated use of the term "caublasian" as opposed to "caublinasian". Sadly, I could not locate a clip of this video so for those who don't know what I'm talking about, they'll just have to take my word for it.

Enjoy the "Racial Draft 2004"clip!! :D

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