Monday, March 24, 2008



I usually choose not to watch movies I consider stupid and a waste of my time which is exactly why I never watched Borat when it came out. But I was in class when clips of the movie were shown. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself very cultural or traditional in the old-school sense but I was offended by the content of the movie. The clips shown weren't offending in that my culture or anything of the sort was targetted. But I definetely agree with ther person who posted earlier about the movie being PG13...not the right rating AT ALL.

The movie was disgusting in some of its clips and just plain rude and mean in the others.

I didn't find it funny at all.

Maybe I feel this way because my culture and my religion is also frequently targetted in other ways. And I do relate with the person who wrote earlier about how its not fair that people end up believing what they see.

I'm all up for comedy though. For example I think Russel Peters is hilarious. But I do think theres a level of appropriateness and Borat was just beyond anything appropriate.

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