Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The Real in Youth Culture

I remember reading an article in one of my other courses a little while ago called "I Don't Want to Grow Up" by Christopher Noxon. He writes that there is an emergence of adults wanting to reconnect to their youthful times which is seen through purchasing merchandise such as action figures/dvds of old cartoons, etc. He also mentions the success of the Harry Potter series among adults even though it was written for children. He calles these adlts as "rejuveniles" The reason why I mention this article however is what he suspects is the reason for this retreat to youth. Noxon said "researchers say rejuveniles are simply seeking comfort in jittery times." The first thought that crossed my mind when I read this was the idea of trying to retreat back to the real. As stressful hectic times in an adult's life they seek to escape these times by reverting back to their childhood, though this can not fully be fullfilled as we cannot take back time. So it creates this 'circularity for desire', for instance an adult might buy the dvd box set of the Pink Panther show for memory sake, but then they want to buy the Flinstones box set, etc.

Here's the linke to the article on New York Times' website if anyone is interested. I personally enjoyed the article as I too enjoy watching old tv shows and movies I use to as a kid.


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