Friday, March 21, 2008


Stuff White People Like

So after talking about race identity and how Borat represents the preconceived notion of an "Eastern European" I though about a blog that my friends and I had talked about before. It's about, as the title suggest, stuff that white people like. This blog basically lists and describes all the things that white people like (it's currently on #90), but does so in a humerous, politically incorrect way. The list is comprised of various things regarding political issues, culture, general activities etc. ranging from having black friends (which apparently makes white people become accustomed to "black culture" and uses Justin Timerbelake as an example) to Barack Obama (whom they must like or risk being called racist) to hating their parents to indie music to St. Patrick's Day and even to having gay friends.

The explanations as to why white people find these things so fascinating/participate in these activities is the best part of the blog. For example, the blogger suggests that white people like having gay friends because

"If white people could draft friends the way that the NFL drafts prospects it would go like this: black friends, gay friends, and then all other minorities would be drafted based on need and rarity to the region.
...It is also worth noting that a gay friendship of any sort allows white people to feel as though they are a part of the gay rights movement. While white people love being a part of any movement, the gay movement is especially important to them because they can blend in at rallies and protests and spend an afternoon feeling the sting of oppression.

Gay friends are an essential part of a white person’s all-star diversity roster. But they are always on the lookout for the ultimate friend; a gay minority.

It is generally accepted that a gay black friend with a child is considered a once in a lifetime opportunity...White people will crawl over each other for the opportunity to claim this person as a friend and add them to their roster of diversity."

While I was reading the list, I began to wonder who this blogger was...was this person male or female? would they classify themselves as black or white? what socio-economic class would they categorize themselves as belonging to?

This blog fits well into the discussion of race stereotypes and although the blogger is commenting on the things that white people like (I'm assuming the blogger means people who have white skin), I think that he/she is really discussing the things that the "Western world" or people who are involved in "white culture" like.

Check out the blog if you have's pretty funny if you have a sense of humour and aren't concerned with being "politically correct"

i wonder if the authors of this site are white?
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