Thursday, November 20, 2008



Sorry, I thought I would be able to edit the post later even if I went ahead and clicked 'publish post.' Turns out that I can't!

Anyways, so in addition to the previous post I just created...

In contrast to the "OBSESSION for women" ad which "masks the absence of a basic reality", this image rather "masks and perverts the basic reality" in the presence of it. The basic reality, the perfume bottle, is present in the ad; however, the overall constructed image is masking and perverting the Reality of it. The marketing tactic utilized in this advertisement is therefore more 'traditional' and less 'postmodern.' Unlike the "OBSESSION for women" image which is widely open for many interpretations while still ensuring a strong visual impression of the advertisement and creating a unique brand image, this advertisement seems to have been designed for a narrow range of possible interpretations....

Why do you think there are such differences between these two advertisements?

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