Sunday, November 23, 2008


A question of control...

So, the other day I was searching for good horror movies to watch, since I was inspired by our discussion of zombie movies in class, I stumbled upon the Guinea Pig Films (please google with caution). I am a big gore/horror movie fan and I have seen it all, Saw, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, the Grudge… you name it, I’ve seen it, but this is something that I’ve never encountered before. The films comprise of 6 individual movies with individual story lines. One that is of particular interest is The Flowers of Flesh and Blood. The movie revolves around a man dressed in a samurai outfit who drugs and kidnaps a woman and goes on to dismember, disembowel and finally decapitates her in an all-too-real fashion. This particular film caused actor Charlie Sheen to call the FBI because he suspected that it was a real life snuff film. It was reportedly serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki’s favorite film from the series and served as one of the primary "blueprints" for his murders.

Flowers of the Flesh and Blood and The Devil’s Experiment (where 4 men torture a woman to see the human body’s capacity for pain) show the cruel and curious side of human nature. The men tortured the woman just to see what would happen, they just wanted to know how much they have to subject her to before she dies. There were no restraints, and they just did whatever they could think of; without the boundaries that our society set for us.

“Would you kill if you will never get caught?” How many would answer yes even though you would never admit it to others? We only know what is right or wrong because we are taught that way, through rules and punishments. The law states that we can never kill under any circumstances, and almost everyone agrees with that. But if someone killed your mother, your father, or one of your best friends, isn’t your first instinct is to kill them, to avenge their deaths? And aren’t we always happy when the protagonist in a movie gets his/her revenge? I’m sure not many of us can go through with that thought (myself included) because we are conditioned to believe that killing is wrong, and we must deal with vengeance in a civilized manner, partly due to the fear of getting caught. But if we won’t get caught…who knows what will happen.

Back to the Guinea Pig Films, they are not for those with a weak stomach, but they are one of a kind, uncensored, Holy Grail for the gore fans, a portrait for all the violence in the human mind.

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