Saturday, January 24, 2009


Romance: Something Classic or Something Created?

In a world where we are given a multitude of choice including, but limited to; how we want our coffee at Starbucks, a cereal isle filled with everything from Lucky Charms to organic, no sugar added granola, to the time of day we want to watch a T.V. show or movie (thanks to TiVo), how is it possible to define romance as being classic?

Romance is so subjective that some people may gag at the thought of roses and a candlelit dinner, while others may swoon. Looking at romance novels, it is certain that there are some common themes in the fictional world of romance. Is this what defines classic romance? Sexual interactions that, in the real world, would be considered rape. Men consistently exerting their physical power over women.  The desire to "tame" someone. In a realm outside of the romance novel, these things would be seen as misogynistic and archaic. How is it then, that romance novels are so popular? They are a way in which to live vicariously, free from the constraints that are put upon us by society.

The idea of romance seems to be something that has been created and perpetuated in society. We don't need romance to survive, it is not crucial to our being. You can have love without romance, but being romantic is what seems to help someone fall in love. It is still not a need. I don't think our ancestors were worried about being romantic when they were still living in caves, yet the species seems to have survived. 

The question of classic romance being alive today cannot truly be answered. If romance is an idea which has been created, can it be considered classic? Is classic romance like that found in Casablanca? Rick puts Isla on the plane and then leaves her. That's not very "romantic", but this film has been dubbed a romantic classic. Or is classic romance the kind that is seen in Romeo and Juliet? All consuming, worth giving up everything to the point where they both end up dead. Yet another unhappy ending for the "greatest love story of all time". 

Perhaps romance means avoiding looking at the end result. I imagine that everyone has experienced romance in a relationship, but we've also had those same relationships end. If not, we'd all still be with the first person who seemed to fit our personal idea of being romantic. Romance does still exist today, but whether or not it is classic romance is left to the discretion of the person being wooed. 


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